2007 "Marvelous China" Spectacular Chinese Dance Performances
《中华情》晚会节目单 《中华情》晚会照片集
十年追梦一台戏     五彩缤纷中华情
------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感一:
Hi Yang Qing and Alex,

What a wonderful show! Congratulations!

My husband was touched almost to tears watching "Chasing the dreams". For many years we've been living a relatively comfortable life here and kind of forget the hardships we had when we just came to this country. The dance was so powerful that it brought back all the memories and emotions. Yang Qing certainly achieved what she wanted to express with this creation. Fabulous work!

And we enjoyed every other one of the dances too. The choreograph, music, costume, performance, back view, lights and every details tells great effort put on by Yang Qing, you and everyone involved. Beside the entertainment, the show really presented a marvelous China and it brought out our pride, and it'll expand our visibility in local community.

Thank you all so much!



Dear Qing,

I want to tell you that how wonderful your Dance performance is tonight. Sam was very moved. This is his first time to experience the beauty of Chinese dance: "Dance is love for life." And thank you so much for having two best seats for us within such short notice. I don't know what you did to make it happen. I truly appreciate your effort. Tonight's performance made me want to learn to dance in the future.

In the future, please let Sam and I know if we can be any help to support your passion: Dance is Love for Life.


------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感三:
Dear all,

直到昨天送走了从加州远道而来的朋友陈红冰, 终于又回到了平静的工作状态。脑子里才开始回放着那过去的日日夜夜和每一个人亲切美丽的面容......

还是那句话:想说的实在太多!最让我骄傲的是我们的团队精神。 每一个人都扮演了重要的角色, 为了这次演出。在这长长的筹备的日子里, 无论遇到任何难题,我们都是团结一致,愉快地走过。 这是我最开心很感动的, 因为有了每一个人---从孩子到家属---全力的合作和支持, 才有了《中华情》的成功和传播。谢谢大家!谢谢每一位的点滴相助!

说实在, 当我离开剧院大门, 杨专武问我:“我是不是还要回去再检查一遍”?我拍拍他的背说:“对, 这是剧务主任的职责!”看着他的背影冲进剧场大门,眼泪快掉下来。 这就是我们的团队, 大家都不是专业的,可是却胜似专业。 非常尽职。 这才有了一场业余的演出感动了那么多的观众。。。。。身边的每一位, 无论是华夏艺术团还是sunny class, 或是少儿艺术团的成员, 大家都把自己 当作这个团队不可分割的一部分。每个人都融入在这个集体中, 不分彼此共同承担演出所需要的任何付出。我总是对我的朋友说:我很幸运, 总遇到这么多聪明又善良的人。 每当我有求, 就有救; 每当我伸出一只手, 就有很多手握在一起。这种合作的愉快难以言喻。所以我说:累, 但值得!


谢谢冷西,经济是基础, 没有你从去年就开始的漫长的筹款和坚定乐观的信心, 难以成就这场晚会。(还有最后刘双林的拔刀相助拉赞助)

谢谢李欧,承担着总协调和节目排练的重任。特别是为了这场演出, 提前离开父亲的八十大寿庆典 返回美国。这种无私的奉献, 除了雷锋就是李欧。

谢谢惠萍,十多年如一日, 坚持长距离往返学舞, 并承担着组织排练的任务。特别是每次 排练后还要开会到十一点多, 然后再开车一个多小时回家。那份敬业 和牺牲真的让我感动。

谢谢仁滨,总是默默无闻地提供我们所需要的东西。 特别是在临近演出的最后几天,放下家中幼小的孩子, 不分昼夜协助我和晓勇完成大量的工作。上周三, 冒着大雪赶到剧场和我们一起做灯光排练。那几天我们最后相互说的都是“注意身体。。。 ”一切都在不言中。害怕彼此身体累病了。

谢谢Theresa, 为了剧场的联系, 不知花了多少学习的时间。好在聪明的你并没影响你的成绩。相信你的未来会更加阳光灿烂。

吴韫青,卫东,你好象是各路天才集一身, 不仅音乐做得好, 票务也做的如此成功。

谢谢博娅和你的队员李玫,王艳林,马丽, 那份细心和认真使我们的服装得到一致赞扬。

谢谢刘航, 王晓秋, 高冷西, 谢勤,陈金金, 因为你们使我们的演员更美丽。

谢谢舞台监督:顾青,马丽,刘双华, 是你们的严谨工作让节目顺利进行.

谢谢李燕君, 王晓兰,Lisa, Tina, 康凯, 龚茵茵 等,没有你们这些星妈, 哪有孩子们的精彩和星光......

谢谢舞台总监,于晖,因为你的加入, 减轻了我的压力。

谢谢字幕幻灯沙丹, 虽然最后没能用上,可是你做得非常好。交给你任何事, 特别放心, 你总是很干练的完成。更特别的是还让先生出钱赞助!


谢谢 桂冲,你的才华充分展现在这次演出中, 没有你的追光我们的演出将会逊色不少。

谢谢摄影刘鸣, 任劳任怨的服务于我们。

谢谢林伟星, 干冰技术掌握的又快又好。 美极了。

谢谢剧务主任杨专武, 你的责任和威严使我们的队伍井井有条。

谢谢场务张远政,胡龙琪,你们虽然没能制止住所有人的相机, 可是你们尽职了。 因为你们认真的巡逻, 使观众一直保持好的秩序。

谢谢王聪,以 最快的速度为我们翻译出美丽的词句。

谢谢我们的音响师王坚, 你告诉了我们---谁是专业音响师。

感谢上帝, 在最后两天, 我们终于有了摄影师(谢谢刘双林极力联系)黄小炎:如果这场演出是昙花一现, 可能会留下遗憾的美; 但因为有了你, 我们将遗憾变成了完美的纪录。 我相信, 你的感动和创意将会使这盘纪录更加贵......

谢谢所有的小演员们, 你们的美丽可爱的笑脸印在了那天晚上每位观众的心上。
谢谢漂亮的两姐妹许芸,许红,一直都觉得你们还在我们中间跳舞, 谢谢你们持续不断的支持和鼓励。
谢谢陈红冰,远隔千山飞来见我们,突然想到诗一句:跳舞陈可贵,友情价更高。谢谢你远方的客人, 只是留不下你。
谢谢顾鸣争, 你用深情的歌声让中华情的大幕徐徐落下。 最后我要谢谢我们的特邀嘉宾,姚新秋,阳建平。新秋, 你对艺术的认真和极高的艺术修养使我获益匪浅。你的美丽的歌声为我们拉开了成功的序幕。大阳,如果没有你,我们的晚会将会缺少色彩, 我说过你会成为新州的第一主持, 你已经开始了!谢谢你, 祝贺你!大家都很喜欢你!
还要谢谢我们的赞助商家和赞助的朋友们, 这些朋友是因为我们的友情和对中华文化的热爱而贡献。他们是:荆红,孟琳,朱宏,林洁辉,俞美美!

特别要谢谢Vicki Chen,她将《中华情》晚会介绍给许多美国朋友,她为社区公共关系和联络做了很多很好的工作!
最最后, 我要谢谢我的先生赵晓勇,或许他父母给了他名字中这个“勇”字,他似乎没有干不了或害怕的事。 从总监制到整体舞台灯光策划,那独具创意的近千张艺术舞台背景设计, 灯光方案和节目单设计。他总是固执地对我说:“还不行,还要更好些,再干一个通宵吧!”。 我不知道如果没有他, 没有他的爱, 我会不会去计划这样一场巨大的演出。 他的毅力,决心和支持给了我信心和力量,让我只能用最完美的演出给与他回报。记得12/8 清晨,我在编排闭幕的队形,睡了3 小时觉的他起床后, 问我第一句话“你紧张吗?”我说“不紧张。 ”他说“我好紧张。 ”我知道喜欢较真,追求完美的他, 唯恐晚上的演出有任何差错。此时“ 谢谢 ”“我爱你 ” 已经太轻太轻......

还有最最最后,谢谢董欣,庆一,主成, 汤岚,秋艳,张勤,李伟,曾瑛,王弘,俊霞,吴翔,特别是宋丽萍为了集体而牺牲自己上场的机会, 多好的班组。如果我漏掉了谁的名字, 请别骂我,允许我用另外的方式来弥补。谢谢大家, 好好度假,如同你们在舞台上一样,让你们的家里也充满阳光和魅力。


P.S.原谅我在那晚的party 上不敢说, 因为我知道我会管不住眼泪......

------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感四:

Hi Yang Qing,

Thanks for the kind words! What a Greeeeeeeeeet show. That was way beyond my expectation. My friend who went to the show told me that your dance was one of the best he's seen.


I'm just happy that I didn't screw it up too big! Thanks for the opportunity for me to show my ignorance as a MC!


------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感五:

Yang Qing,

I can't control my tears when I read your letter.

I suggest that all parents should read this letter to our kids, let them know how much everyone contributed to this performance, how important hard team work to success and they are one of key players in the team. When we share our feeling with them, they will learn a lot.

Yanjun Li
------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感六:

Dear Qing:
I was so moved while I were reading your articles.

Jinjin just called me yesterday and said " I feel lost after the curtain of Marvelous China show coming down!". I believe most of us had the same feeling.

Here I just like to say you are really something. You are not only pretty, elegant woman but also inner beauty with such beautiful personalities. Without you, we couldn't getting together and making sunch big difference. Without you, we couldn't make our dreams become true. Without you, we couldn't feel our life so colorful. It is us to say thanks to you and Xiaoyong. Thank you for all you did for us.


Jean Xie
------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感七:


                  -红墙(Sunny Wang)


由杨青工作室与普林斯顿大学Triple 8舞蹈团联合主办的《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会于12月8日晚在普林斯顿的Berlind 剧院演出。三百多位观众挤满了剧场,观看了华夏艺术团,杨青少儿艺术团,普林斯顿大学Triple 8舞蹈团, Sunny舞蹈团和特邀嘉宾演出了精美节目。


杨青发起的华夏艺术团成立了十年,所以这台晚会也是华夏艺术团的十年年庆。这十年中,她们从几位华夏中文学校的妈妈开始,一起跳到今天很有几分专业水平的团体,就这么怀着对舞蹈的热爱和执着,在异国他乡打拼的同时,一路 “追梦”至今。晚会上领舞的顾惠萍,李欧,赵仁滨等都是华夏艺术团的中流砥柱。

晚会中有四个少儿舞蹈节目,特别令观众喜欢。这些在美国出生在美国成长的孩子们,这些活泼可爱的孩子们,除了积极参加学校的cheerleading, 体操等课外活动之余,还发现了一个好地方能学习中国舞蹈,这就是杨青的少儿艺术团。孩子们学习“剪纸姑娘”,学习“红扇翩翩”,还学习中外结合的“快乐的踢踏舞”等等。 她们的一举一动,很有民族特色和传统味道。尤其孩子们还表演了“白毛女”片段,把“北风那个吹,雪花儿那个飘”演得很有几分意境,令人热情地为她们鼓掌。


整台晚会基本上是黑头发黑眼睛的龙的传人,包括普林斯顿大学的Triple 8舞蹈团的团员们,当然了,晚会的名字就叫《中华情》。不过,晚会里面也有几位“老外”,黄头发蓝眼睛白皮肤,或者中文一曲“茉莉花”或者一身红绸旗袍,演绎三十年代的上海女性,也很别具一格。

“老外”阳建平 (Bill Engst) 再次粉墨登场,与杨青一起共同主持这台节目。他以老美的外表地道的英文亮相,然后说一口十分标准的中文,震惊很多不熟悉他的观众,后来的关于“不三不四,给你点颜色瞧瞧” (no three no four, give you clover see see)小笑话,一嗓子很好听的中音“跑马溜溜的山上,有朵溜溜的云”等等,给晚会添笑不少。



蒙哥马利市学监(Superintendent)Sam Stewart也跟其他观众一起起劲儿挤到前面,去跟演员们握手祝贺,他说,节目十分优秀!我要告诉演员们她们太棒了!而蒙市的华人教育委员王益平忍不住对杨青说:看到你们跳着这么高兴,我也想学中国舞蹈了!挤到前台的还有好几位老美女士,她们是一位演员的邻居。这帮老美也争着告诉我:太好看了!我们特别为台上的演员们骄傲。我们知道她们不是专业演员,但跳得真是太好了。她们挤到杨青跟前,一定要跟杨青照相留念。



杨青说:“对舞蹈的热爱是我们内心深处的原动力,而对中华文化与艺术的发扬和传播,则让我们在异域的漂泊中感受到生命价值之所在” 。这句话解释了杨青和许多热爱舞蹈的朋友们十多年来的坚持和努力。而正因为她/他们的坚持和努力才让我们看到了一台精美的演出,堪与专业演出媲美。


------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感八:

Dear teacher Yang,

What an impressive writing letter! your dearly warm heart give everybody so many thanks, but do you know how many thanks we want to give to you. you are my first and only dance teacher who make my dance dream come true in my whole life. You may not know how deeply I wish I could be little bit smarter to learn dance earlier from the day I knew you. We all want to thank you for your guidance to teach us dance and endless encouragements to bring us on the stage. Until now, everybody from our Sunny group are still excited about the chance you gave to us show on such a professional stage. if there is anything as a student to make our dear teacher little unsatisfied, please forgive us.

I always wanted to express my thanks to you and congrates you for this wonderful gala. I saw your excitement and tears that night and I could not hold myself for my dear teacher./p>

Dear Qing, you don't know we are not only respect you, we love you dearly from the bottom of our heart. We do.

I always think I don't know how to talk right. But believe me above words are my truly feeling. My eyes are full of tears when I read your letter and my heart is full of the love to you.

Lots , lots..... endless thanks to you!

You student and follower,

Wei Li
------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感九:



2007年12月8日晚7点,在新泽西普林斯顿McCarter Berlind剧院举行了2007经典中国民族舞蹈专场“中华情”演出盛会。 这次盛大演出由杨青舞蹈工作室和普林斯顿大学Triple8舞蹈团联合主办。来自华夏艺术团,杨青少儿艺术团,Sunny舞蹈班,普林斯顿大学Triple8舞蹈团以及特邀艺术嘉宾相继登台倾心献艺。晚会的节目主持人由甜美优雅的杨青和英俊幽默的阳建平担任。他们动人的风采是一道亮丽的风景线。演员们精彩纷呈的演出深受观众们的喜爱和赞赏。这台绚丽多彩令人赏心悦目的盛会陪伴人们共度了一个温馨欢乐的夜晚。

《中华情》晚会在新州著名歌唱家姚新秋甜美欢快的“爱我中华”的歌声中拉开了帷幕。音乐的情感传递着海外华人最真实的声音也感动着不同族裔的观众。姚新秋的声情并茂的歌声以及舞蹈演员们优美舞姿充分表达了华夏儿女对祖国的热爱之情。最引人注目的是由杨青少儿艺术团表演的舞蹈天真烂漫生动活泼。少儿舞蹈“欢快的小踢踏舞”,“红扇翩翩”民族少儿舞蹈“剪纸姑娘”以及芭蕾舞剧“白毛女”在欢畅奔放的旋律中展示着她们的动人的舞姿。给观众带来了无限的快乐博得了阵阵掌声。 这台晚会的节目丰富多彩令人目不暇接。由普林斯顿大学Triple8舞蹈团表演的舞蹈“Fairyland”,“SexyBack” 以及“Shanghai Triad”。他们热情洋溢的舞姿惟妙惟肖的神情别具特色使观众喝彩不断。特邀艺术嘉宾 Heather Schmid 闪亮登场。她演唱的中国民歌“茉莉花”在优美的音乐中,她吐字清楚发音准确令观众刮目相看。她演唱美国歌曲 “MyTime” 感情奔放深沉细腻的博得了观众的频频掌声。

令人注目的华夏艺术团,成立于1997年10月,在这台晚会他们倾心表演了10以年来最精典的舞蹈。他们身着亮丽服装把观众带进了一个五彩缤纷的世界。在欢快抒情的旋律中透过朦胧的月光, 双人舞“悄悄话”生动的表演表达了一对年轻男女对美好爱情的向往。三人舞“青青江南柳”演员们细腻唯美轻盈飘逸的舞姿展示了如诗如画的江南美景。在婉转动听的乐曲中, 傣族舞“美丽的金孔雀” 那优美流畅的舞蹈使观众欣赏了一幅美丽的傣族风光。民族舞剧“梁祝”《化蝶》是民族音乐的经典之作。演员那凄美动人的舞姿中,表达了对美好爱情的向往和离别时的哀伤令人感动。现代舞“追梦”演员们生动精彩的表演表达了海外侨胞在异国他乡自强不息的奋斗精神。不同风格的民族舞蹈带人们走进了光彩夺目的世界。新疆舞 “大坂城的姑娘”,朝鲜舞“希望”,土家族舞“三峡,我的家乡”, 北方汉族舞蹈“山那边的女人” 在舒缓悠扬的乐曲中,演员们流畅优美洋溢着青春亮丽的动人舞姿博得了观众的阵阵掌声。精典的现代舞蹈“溜溜康定情” 当熟悉的旋律响起, 由杨青领舞她那富于激情细腻的表演,把人物的内心世界表现的淋漓尽致情令人赞叹不已。

在深情欢畅的旋律中, 女高音歌唱家顾鸣争演唱的歌曲“祝福祖国”她那热情奔放的歌声久久回荡在剧场里。现场的观众们掌声四起把晚会推向了高潮。 整个剧场洋溢在歌舞世界的欢乐海洋之中,人们沉浸在这激动人心的美好时刻。晚会在观众的热情掌声和美丽的鲜花中落下了帷幕取得了圆满成功! 此时此刻,每一位演员的脸上绽放出灿烂的微笑。因为她们心灵深处充满了对艺术的热爱。在忙碌和辛勤中她们心甘情愿地付出而享受其中的快乐。在鲜花和掌声中,他们收获着在艺术上不断追求所带来的成功和喜悦。面对此情此景,艺术总监杨青万分激动有感而发:“一年多的筹备,我们付出了很多。 今晚观众的鲜花和掌声给了我们最好的祝贺。此时想说得实在太多。。。谢谢大家! ”

舞蹈陪伴了华夏艺术团走过了那难忘的十年岁月。 一路芬芳满天涯。自1997年成立以来至今,他们表演不同风格的民族舞蹈犹如一幅幅美丽的画卷具有永恒的魅力。藏族舞蹈, 朝鲜舞,傣族舞,新疆舞,蒙古族舞,土家族舞, 等舞蹈获得人们的一致称赞。她们走进了美国校园,走进了不同的社区和城市,在许多华人社团组织中多次参加演出。她们的舞蹈表演足迹四方。2007年1月6日,在美国芝加哥她们参加世界和平新年晚会。 在这次国际性的大型演出中,她们再次表演了“溜溜康定情”和“山那边的女人”。 这些充满着丰富多彩的中国东方文化特色的舞蹈得到美国嘉宾的关注和赞赏。为中国文化艺术融入到美国的主流社会产生广泛的影响。

夜幕降临,意犹未尽。“祝福你, 我的祖国,我把满腔赤诚献给你,愿你永远坚强,”这发自内心肺腑的飞扬歌声将为我们插上无形的翅膀,去跨越天涯海角万水千山,送去对远方亲人的真诚的祝福。那激情荡漾的动人舞姿依旧在海外侨胞的心灵深处碰撞,因为在我们身上流着相同的血脉。2007经典中国民族舞蹈专场“中华情” 盛况空前的演出,真诚地传递着海外侨胞彼此的欢乐使人终生难忘。演出成功更加凝聚了海外游子对中国民族文化艺术的热爱之情。流金岁月不变的是那回荡在人们心中的永恒的艺术魅力。 愿这绚丽璀璨的民族歌舞流芳百世永远散发它不朽的光辉。

------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感十:

Dear Teacher Yang Qing and all the Moms,

I felt the same way as Yanjun did, with tears in my eyes as reading the letter, which almost scared my colleagues.

About two years ago, Vivian joined the children's performance troop. I watched and shared her progress and joy in the art of dancing performance over the past two years. This summer we visited China. Many friends and relatives were so amazed to see that growing up in America Vivian can perform Chinese dance. We feel very lucky, proud and horned to be involved in such a prestigious group. No matter how many "Thank You" I say, it wouldn't express my appreciation to you, teacher Yang Qing and all the moms, who made this group so wonderful.

I look forward to seeing more progress and joy in the new year, and many years to come.

Wei Dong

------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感十一:


First of all, let us say: many thanks for you for what you have done for all of this, you did the most works and job, held the biggest burden and pressure, it was not easy for you to do that with such a success! We wonder how could you do it, is it as you said "love is power" that always give you the power to pursued your carer? with the power you worked so hard, so staunch, so selfless, it seems that there were no tough things you can't overcome, it was a miracle!

Then, I like to say, you really need to have a good rest, and thanks for the others who worked hard and paid a lots their efforts for our gala this days, like Xiaoyong, Shadan, Renbin, Nancy, .......as well as those who worked silently and whom I couldn't name them! without your works, without our success!

Last, let's keep going and looking forward the bigger successful and more brilliant performing! /p> I love you, everyone!


------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感十二:


Thanks for sending me the photos and the reviews. The performance seemed to be wonderful; the program and the stage design are very professional, very beautiful, very artistic, and even poetic! You and Qing have definitely put tremendous efforts. I'm very impressed. The comments are wonderful too, especially Qing's long letter thanks everyone. I hope to see some of your shows some day in the future.

Be well and take care.


------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感十三:

Dear Qing and Alex,

I tried to avoid writing more because I know all of us have the same feelings about you, our teams and the sucessful events. I have to add more words to express our appreciation.

There are many professional dancers from China currently reside in US and quite a few are teaching dances. However, we rarely heard students of a single teacher can make a such high quality show at first-class theatre. It happened in New Jersey because of your enthusiasium and love of Chinese culture, your skill and charisma to these Chinese dance lovers. Perhaps, there are several dance groups elsewhere can perform dance at the same level as us but it is very hard to have a dedicated stage designer like Alex to add more beauty to the art of dance. I heard so many audience saying the backdrops were wonderful. As a member of HXPAT and one of the parents of children dance class, I feel very lucky to have such an opportunity to learn dance from you. We are all proud to be part of the teams. In the past 4 years, I learned a lot from you and other team members--dancing skills, spirit, caring and cooperation. We are amateur dancers but such experience make our lives more colorful. You may not realize how great you are, your contributions to our community and culture bridging are siginificant. In a 'noteworthy' word, your name will remain in history.

I hope you and all other dancers remain healthy. We can have another anniversary show in a few years.

------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感十四:

Dear Qing:

Simply touching & tears running down when read your letter! Thank you for your dedication to our group and your passion for dance which deeply moved me and people around you and that is why I join you and never regret even again so many hard times in my life!
I will continue to dance both ballroom and folk dance whenever time allows.

I am in Beijing now and will be back with you soon!


------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感十五:


------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感十六:


Thank you so much for inviting me to the gala. It was wonderful! Your performers are so talented. Everything was gorgeous, the background, costumes, participants. It was like traveling all over China.

Much good luck and continued success.

Martha H Runyon
Mercer County Cultural and Heritage Commission

------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感十七:

Hi All,

读完“中华情”观后感, 我感到有必要将Christina学跳舞的点点滴滴记下来, 将这原始的资料留给她. 妈妈是不会写, 妈妈是除了眼泪还是眼泪:

  每次我打开扬青老师的VCD, 七岁的Christina 就会跑来和我一起看. 有一次, 她对我说:“She is so beautifully. She looks so young. She will be grand grand grand…grand grandma.”

2007年9月10号是扬青老师的第一次课, 兴奋了两个晚上没有睡好觉的Christina去上课了, 一进门就发现八岁Christina比别的小孩小. 我心里也清楚扬青老师不想要Christina.

我琢磨这事怎样对刚兴奋了两个晚上没有睡好觉的Christina说, 她不是一容易哄的小孩. 于是, 我决定先给Christina 做思想准备工作, 两天后对她说:’’宝宝,有的小孩因为太小, 扬青老师就让她们暂时不要去.” 我刚一说到这里, Christina就说:”I start to worry. Mom, I feel scared.” 我对她的反应毫无准备. 反倒安慰她几句.第一次做思想准备工作没有任何结果. 心里想着再找机会.

上了两次课后, 扬青老师还没有明确指出要还是不要,给Christina 做思想准备工作还得继续.一天, 她对我说:”Mom, I want to tell you something, but you have to promise not to tell anybody.” I promised, she said: “You know, I fell challenge at my dancing class.” 我眼前一亮,机会来了,对她说:”不要去. 好吧.” 她说:”Elan is very good, I feel bad when I watch her dance, but I feel OK when I watch other kids dance, I think I can handle it. Trust me.” 我不知道说什么是好,当小孩遇到challenge, 做妈妈的应当鼓励.此时此刻, 我鼓励不出口. 做思想准备工作再次失败. 一个月后,她告诉我:”I feel comfortable now.”

三次课后,扬青老师告诉我,她要Christina. 我一下抱住扬青老师, 思想准备工作不用了.

五个小孩car pool, Christina回到家好似一阵春风吹进来. 我先生从楼上下来, 问我: “什么事, 她这样高兴.” 我说“捡到金子了.”

Christina 告诉我: “We have one chief commander and four group leaders at our class, you know, who is the chief commander.”

星期二晚饭后, Christina看到我出门, 追到门边, “Mom, remember say hi to my teacher for me.” 我说:”妈妈上课不能讲话,你自己对老师说.”

大概上到五,六次课, 回到家就说:”I want to write a letter to my teacher.”


She said: ”I want to tell her I really enjoy her class.”


“That’s it.”

我笑了. “一句话的信妈妈不想看, 你的老师也不想看, 好好读书, 长大了给老师写看了一遍,还看一遍的信.”

------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感十八:

Dear Qing,

The words from Zhuanwu, Brenda and others made me cry because they represented exactly what I wanted to say!

Here I only want to add one more sentence -- I want you to know that as a teacher and a friend of mine for 10 years, you brought a lot of joy and meaning to my life and the memory will stay with me for the rest of my life. Thank you very very so much! Please also let Alex know that he is the best, second to none artist! The combination of you two not only make perfect husband and wife, but also make perfect performing arts! Many thanks to Alex!


------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感十九:

Dear Qing,

I'm very moved when I read all these emails.

I couldn't agree with Brenda more. I came from Seattle and I was in a dance team there too. The dancers there are as nice and devoted as the dancers here. But the big difference is, here we have a good teacher. In Seattle we cannot find a teacher who is willing to devote her time. We have to learn a dance from video and we need to discuss and guess how to do it well, but here we have an authority, who is elegant, professional, with very good personality and leadership. From this perspective, dancers here are really very lucky and I feel lucky to find the team after moving here. Having been in the dance team for 2 months, I'm not surprised that this team has lasted for 10 years and will last longer.

Congratulations on the marvelous show! One thing I need to add is that after both performances my husband said you are the best MC he has seen in the US, elegant, natural and emotional. Also, whereas there might be other dance teachers devoted as well, Alex is probably the most devoted spouse-of-dance-teacher. Great job and we are very impressed. If I were you, being able to do what I love and thrive on it, and being well supported by my family, I would be VERY satisfied with my life. :-)


------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感二十:

Can't agree more with the comments of Luna and all other teammates here, it is XiaoYong and Qing who turned an armature team into a professional dancing group! You both are the backbone and spirit of our dancing group, without your dedicated hard work, we wouldn't be able to perform on stage confidently and enthusiastically. Just like what I told Qin on the phone, I felt kind of lost after the performance, the energy, the faith, the passion were just fading away from me...

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感二十一:

Dear Qing,

Ten years – Wow! 10 years ago, few of those who were at Yu Hui’s basement, where the Troupe was born, who would’ve thought we would had our own show in a formal theater 10 years later. We all knew well that with full time jobs and family commitments, dancing is just our pastime. It was your inspiration, encouragement, guidance, and particularly your leadership skills that made the group evolve into a mature, skillful, professional-looking dancing troupe. With the true team effort, we had a very successful debut last Saturday. I think what my thesis advisor, Prof. Dauerman, said in a letter summarizes well about our dances: "… you were superb in communicating that dance was not separate, but rather a continuum of your life informed by relationships in performance like the relative positions of bodies in any place, colors, costumes, and sounds." He also mentioned: "My wife who had been for many years the arts/dance coordinator of Union City was equally impressed."

Even though ten years have passed, a few earlier stories still vividly remain in my mind. When Chen Tong, who was our Chinese school principal at that time, bought us our first "Han Zu" costume top, He said to us, "These are the closest costumes that I could find in Shanghai." He was right, it was a fancy shirt with a dark blue base, small white flowers, and a white stripe on each side of sleeves. But there were no matching pants! We heard that there were a few silky fabric stores in Indian Town in Edison. Li Ou and I spent the whole afternoon there, and finally brought back light neutral colored fabrics for the pants.

I also remember our first "Zang Zu" costume was brought from "Hit and Miss". We could not even get the same color for each dancer. So, we had to buy 5 red and 5 blue costumes. Zhao Xiao-Yong magically made the apron, using only a paintbrush! He painted different color lines to cover the whole apron. What a beautiful homemade colorful costume!

At the first performance in New York City, sponsored by Oversea Chinese Student Association, you introduced us as "A group of highly educated professional woman". On the stage, our hairstyles, with two hair braids, and red bow ties, made us look like big eighteen year-old sisters. After the show, none of us seemed willing to wash away our make up and take out the hair we had on. We felt like we were back to our childhood. I asked myself "I’m still dancing on the stage after so many years in another country, is this real?"

Over these years, I have learned a lot from you, all the dances, skills, expressions, and movements. Most importantly, we have built our long-term friendship. Thank you for being there with us 10 years ago, and thank you for still being here with us today. Without your passion, dance coaching, dedication, and support, this wouldn’t have been possible. What an amazing ride it has been!


------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感二十二:

Dear Qing,

I'm out of words and just wanted to mention one thing. I was really impressed and touched on the afternoon of the big day. I was actually not very confident in the show after Friday's dress rehearsal, but when we came back to the theater the next day, you had a quick meeting. You started with "yesterday's rehearsal went very well, it was good that all possible problems were exposed and addressed and served the purpose of rehearsal. Tonight's show should have little problem and will be great!". You said that in a calm, matter-of-fact tone, no exagerating, no pretending... After hearing that, I suddendly felt relaxed, confident ,determined and anxious to dance in the show! I've taken many classes on leaderships for work, but you, just showed me exactly what leadership is! Thank you, thank you for everything, and thank you for giving little Brenda the opportunity. I'm not sure how she will be in the area of dancing, but I know, she, as well as myself, will remember, forever, that you, a fine dancer and choreographer, a warm teacher and friend, gave her the precious aknowledgement, and encouragement, that a little girl with her naive interest and dream in dancing, really needs. Thank you!!

------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感二十三:

Dear Yang Qing Laoshi:

Marvelous show and memorable pictures!

How absorbing the show was? Lilly?s seven-year-old brother sat and watched for the entire three hours! Even the newest and hottest video game cannot beat it!!!

Your teaching has instilled in our children the cultural pride as well as the value of hard work that would go a long way to help their future life.

Tons of thanks again!

------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感二十四:

Dear QingY:

I read the whole comments area of "Marvelous China Gala" just now. I realized that I missed the opportunity to say "Thank you" at the first place, I missed the opportunity to take a picture with you on that night, and I missed the opportunity to introduce our "Sunny dancing group" on the party, I hope it's not too late to say something about us. We are all working Mom who had never taken any formal dancing training in the past (except Theresa, she's a special member in our group:), what brings us together is dance, dance with Qing every Tuesday night, we enjoy the homey Chinese traditional music, we enjoy the sweating after the warm up, we enjoy every new dance movement that teacher Yang taught us. I don't
remember since when Tuesady becomes a day that I'm looking forward during the week, and nowTuesday becomes my official "Mom night out day", dance becomes part of my life. I can't imagine I would move to a place without Qing Yand Dance Studio nearby. Our "Three Gorges, my home town" have a very positive feedback, nobody believes that we all "NEW" in our dance career, and we are all very sure that if we stay closer with Qing, we'll be more attractive and prettier, our life will be more colorful and we'll do better and better.


------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感二十五:

如歌的使者: <<中华情>>

由杨青舞蹈工作室主办的<<中华情>>--华夏艺术团十年庆在观众热烈持久的掌声中 徐徐落下了帷幕。此时,作为演员同时又是观众的我所感受到的不仅是一种艺术的 享受更是一种中华文化的洗礼。是啊,十年了,从当年的地下室建团到今天世界 著名学府普林斯顿大学的剧场,杨青的舞蹈工作室走过了不平凡的历程。她所带领 的孩子们毕业了一茬又一茬,如今已是桃李满天下。那些因工作或读书而搬迁的家 庭来来往往,他们分散在全美甚至世界的各个角落,从事着各样的职业,但无论在 哪一块土地,哪一个角落, 只要有机会,他们都会用杨青所教授的舞蹈,向同事、 朋友或当地居民介绍和展示这一中华文化艺术的瑰宝。老外不识中文,可他们看得 懂舞蹈,因为艺术是相通的。而且,只有代表民族的,才是得以走向世界的。杨青 的民族舞蹈就是一种对中华文化最好的诠释。

也许连杨青自己都没有意识到这十年来她实际上一直在扮演着一个传播中华文化的 使者的角色。如果说马立平的中文教材给那些生长在国外的中国孩子们提供了非常 实用和有趣的学习中文的工具,为他们将来更多的理解和运用中文打下了坚实的基 础,那么杨青的舞蹈则从另一个侧面向这些孩子们传授和展现了中华文化的绚丽多 彩。这 些渗透了华夏艺术经典的舞蹈必将随着这些孩子们的成长更深的融入美国及 其它国家的主流社会的文化领域。



------------------《中华情》经典中国民族舞蹈晚会 观后感二十六:









 © 2003-2016 Qing Yang Dance Studio, All rights reserved.